দমদমা মহাবিদ্যালয়লৈ স্বাগতম

College Policy

Damdama College, Kulhati has a well built system to maintain and regulate the use of various physical and intellectual assets of the College, be it classrooms, ICT halls, conference halls etc. The Academic Committe looks into the classroom infrastructure, their maintenance and sufficiency. Similarly, the purchase committee supervises into the recommendation and purchase of various items for use. The Campus Beautification committee works to maintain proper physical ambience and aesthetic atmosphere at the College. The Finance Committee has to sanction and approve various financial requirements for the purchase of items. The examination committee circulates information regarding periodic examinations-both institutional and university level ones. It also maintains record of examination related grievances. The Library Committee comprises of the Librarian and all HODs and is required to maintain the need of new books, preservation of old books, manuscripts and their maintenance, need for journals, student's and faculties sitting arrangements. However, all of these committees are under the supervision of the Principal and the Governing Body of the College and submit their recommendation to the Hon'ble Governing Body for final approval and support. 

The physical and intellectual assets of the College are for the benefit of students, teachers and other stake holders. Their proper use is of need both for the continuance and well-being of the College and also for generation of students and other stakeholders. Hence, the management has put in close vision cameras to monitor their use and prevent misuse. There is a systematic mechanism to deliver continuous power supply to the classrooms and other rooms in case of a power cut. There is also a general lighting facility in place. The Staff at the Principal Office and also the other support staff are trained to maintain hygiene in the classrooms and washrooms. The support staff is also into the activity of maintaining the college flower garden and garden of other useful plants.

Classrooms and Academic Utilities
A large number of the classrooms are equipped with ICT facilities to improve teaching learning process and allow students participate in pedagogic exercises better. There is a well-built computer center with thirteen computers, with installed antivirus to protect such systems from cyber-attacks. These can be used by students for their classes as well as looking of information on the internet. The College has created adequate facilities for good drinking water. Again, the bulbs and other electrical
equipment is all purchased from reputed vendors considering their energy efficiency. The Departmental HODs also keep a close eye on the adequacy of classroom infrastructure. Anomalies and requirements are periodically communicated to the Academic In charge, who then calls upon the support staff to maintain cleanliness of classrooms, balconies, verandas etc.

For Web related matters, the College is assisted by Dee Tech Solution, a Guwahati based web solutions provider. For the part of software up gradation, the college is assisted by ...For e-waste management, we plan to refurbish electronic gadgets like desktops, laptops, printers, scanners etc. The College wifi systems are provided by ... and is freely available to students and faculty members.

Library Maintenance: The Library Committee comprising of the Librarian and the HODs of respective departments manage and supervise the maintenance of the library. Books are inspected and if required sent for binding and necessary treatment. Manuscripts are inspected and required steps for their preservation taken. All books, journals and periodicals etc. are properly marked using the 'Damdama Library' seal and stamp. Barcode scanner is also available with the library to mark the books. To provide better service to students and faculties alike, the college library uses the College has installed the Soul 2.0 software.

Maintenance of Sports and Games Facility

The College has badminton courts and basketball courts. These are maintained by various support staff appointed by the principal. The gymnasium is similarly managed by the principal and his staff. In case, the students are injured, the college has a first aid room with bed and first aid kit. A professor also is given the primary charge of supervising the utilities. He reports directly to the principal, if needed.

Theatre and Playground

The College theatre complex is manned by the Principal, with his support staff. The complex is regularly cleaned and white washed by the support staff of the principal. The Playground is similarly monitored by the student's union of the College, the College Teacher's Unit and the Principal.

College Canteen:

The College Canteen is managed by the Teachers' Unit of the College, who supervise the food items and price list regularly. Items are inspected for their hygienic value and health benefits. The Canteen is run on the principle of ' good food, good health, value for money. ' As far as possible, most of the
food items are procured from reliable vendors, keeping an eye of the ' expiry date' etc.

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